Original poetry by the SCORES Poet-Athletes

Under The Sea
By Coach Nancy Reyes
Cleveland Elementary

Floating in the warmth of the sun where the heat is absorbed by my body, it glistens as the sun wraps itself on me as I lay on my lounge chair outside my balcony
The sun, going to the beach, swimming with dolphins and fish
In my imagination I am sitting under the sun on the beach
My imagination gives me the freedom to pretend that the sun is kissing my skin as I get ready to dive into the sea
Imagination gives the sea life as I am swimming with dolphins, feeding the fish and talking to mermaids
The sea is where I want to be; It's where I feel free and it's where my heart is at peace.
Where I go, the mermaids want to come along. The sharks want to dance, and are very friendly too.
I go wherever my heart leads me, she guides me to love and adventure.
Wherever I may be, even across the sea, I will always remember what you have done for me.
I may be small, but do not be alarmed, because I am strong just like King Kong.
Small Reese's pieces candy that I miss sharing with my friends and family. I can't wait for this all to be over!

Los Fantasmas No Pueden Comer Pastel!
By Coach Nancy Reyes
Cleveland Elementary

Tengo miedo de la oscuridad.
La oscuridad es bien grande y misteriosa. Me da miedo las cosas que no estoy familiarizada con.
Los fantasmas salen en la noche.
Tengo miedo de que me agarren.
Cuando yo tengo miedo, me siento sola.
Como si nadie me entiende. La oscuridad me hace sentir con tanto miedo y soledad.
Se me salen las lagrimas de mis ojos. Se sienten caliente contra mi mejilla.
La corona virus es algo misterioso.
Como la oscuridad. No lo puedo ver.
Igual a como un fantasma.
Es algo nuevo que me afecta no solo a mi­, pero a mis seres queridos.
Algunos de ellos no le tienen miedo a la oscuridad, pero le tienen miedo a este nuevo virus.
Me pongo a llorar y sobre pensar cuando tengo miedo.
Y dejo que las lagrimas me conforten.
Me siento calmada.
Pensando en cosas chistosa me ayudaran a rei­rme de lo que me asusta.
Riandose es la mejor medicina!
Viendo la belleza en la oscuridad me inspira a pintar.
Pinto el cuadro negro, y despues pues le agrego estrellas, la luna y las flores.
Esto me hace sentir en paz.
Veo a mi familia debajo de las estrellas y la luna alumbrandolos.
Los fantasmas espantan a la gente porque ellos no pueden comer pastel.
Le tienen envidia a los humanos porque no tienen cuerpo para disfrutar el pastel.
Esto me hace rei­r.
Yo puedo comer pastel y los fantasmas no.
Esto me hace sentir poderosa.

By Evelyn Diaz
Cleveland Elementary School

I hate spiders. They are big, they are dry, they can bite people and have 8 feet.
I hate dreams because they can become real and they can be bad dreams.
I feel scared when I wake up.
When I dream of Penny Wise I feel like he is at the door knocking.
I get scared. It feels like if I was worried about something. It makes me sweaty.
I run away from Penny Wise.
I can say to my fear "Can you please stop scaring me?"
I can say to my fear "I am big and you are small."
I am controlling my fears by using my heart and using my brain.
Laughing in front of them saying; I am bigger and you are smaller"
Spiders have to hunt for their food and I do not have to hunt. I can just go get food.

Tengo miedo del oscuro
By Andrea
Cleveland Elementary School

Tengo miedo de la oscuridad.
Cuando estoy sola en el oscuridad.
Y no conozco la  oscuridad y puede seguir y seguir.
Tengo una emocion sin explicacion, siento que voy a tener un ataje del susto.
Y que me ahogare alguien o algo y me quedo quieta y despues siento que tengo que correr pero tengo que mirar para atras.
A mi me da miedo el oscuro pero no soy la universidad va porque yo conozco a alguien que tambien tiene miedo ella es Coach Nancy.
A ella le da miedo el oscuro y los fantasmas como a mi pero no tenemos que tener miedo.
Y aunque mi mama le da un poco miedo el nuevo virus pero todo esta bien porque no va a pasar nada.
Porque Dios nos va a proteger.
Me pongo a llorar cuando yo estoy sola en el oscuro y despues pienso todo esta bien porque estoy en mi casa.
Yo me siento asusta cuando estoy en el oscuro.
Pensar en cosas positivas y no feas, como reir me y pensar en algo divertido y no en monstruos.
A mi me ayuda viendo el otro lado de la oscuridad no no mas el miedo y los fantasmas y otras cosas.
A mi me encanta ver las estrellas en la noche porque pienso que una de ellas podri­a ser mi primer perro que se murio se llamaba Leon.
Lo que yo veo es las estrellas en el cielo que estan muy calmadas y s quiero estar calmadas como las estrellas.
Lo que da risa a mi es que yo nomas estoy pensando en cosas que no son reales y cosas de fantasmas, y monstruos.
Y lo que es chistoso es que yo puedo comer cosas y los fantasmas no.

Hi, My name Is:
By Coach Nancy

Today my name is ambition.
I woke up craving a dark cup of coffee, no sugar or cream.
Today my name is ambition because I'm eager to work and tackle my assignments one by one.
Ambition and black coffee can sometimes make me feel anxious.
I stop. I think.
I do another check-list.
I think again. And again. And again.
I think long and hard.
My loved ones calmly tell me "take it day by day" and it's like they're gently pouring sugar on my coffee and then they tell me "you will get to where you want to be" and it's soothes me as though they put cream in my coffee too.
I am ambitious.
I pretend that I am sailing in the sea.
I pretend that I quickly grasp the hang of which way to pull the sail and maneuver it.
I pretend that I am the #1 sailor in the world. I pretend that I control my sail, although I can't control the sea and its turbulence.
I pretend.
Yesterday, my name was faith.
I heard "I love you" multiple times throughout the day from my friends and family.
Their reassurance gives e faith that things will get better and that the future is bright.
My name will forever be Nancy.
Nancy is strength, courage, independence and ambition.
Nancy is respect, humbleness, and detail-oriented.
Tomorrow my name will be consistency. I dream big dreams, and I put them in action.
Tomorrow is consistency.
I will not be anxious when problems arise and my mind wants to play tricks on me.
I will remind myself to take it one day at a time.
That everything is circumstantial.
I will remind myself that I will get to where I want to be in due time.
I will remind myself of my faith.
I will remind myself to be consistent.

My Fears (English Version)
By Coach Nancy

I am afraid of the dark. It is big and uncertain.
It creeps up and doesn’t warn me.
I can’t see anything.
I can’t see my loved ones or myself.
It makes me feel powerless and weak, like I can’t protect myself or my family.
That makes me feel sad and frustrated.
I am afraid of big birds.
Big birds almost half of my height. Coming towards me reeeeally slowly.
I hear their claws scrape the cement as they pick up their pace and come towards me.
They then start extending their wings and soon their in the air with their beaks  aimed at me.
Take the cookie! Just don’t hurt me!
I feel like my space is being invaded. No matter how hard I try, the birds always come by.
Roaming around me, keeping a watch.
Looking at me with their beady eyes.
I feel powerless when they come too close to me.
It makes me want to scream and run.
I can embrace the darkness and invade the birds’ space instead of them invading mine.
I can remind myself that I am big and I am strong.
I am on top of the darkness and on top of the birds. I am laughing and friends with them.
They don’t scare me anymore
Birds can be goofy and the darkness a good way to scare another buddy
I can think of Big Bird from Sesame Street