“Poetry is when you can express yourself, you can be yourself, and it is a really happy place.”
“I didn’t used to like to do art at all, but now I do, because of poetry.”
“I want to make the world look like a beautiful rose, like stars in the night.”
“Friends matter because they can help you grow to be the best you.”
“I like reading other people’s poetry because I like to trade poetry with other people.”
“I am inspired to change the world. But sometimes I need to change myself each day.”
“The more birds begin to swarm the man begging for food. The birds leave the man and hopefully he’s OK.”
“I play fair in soccer, that’s no fantasy. If we lose I do not get made cause it’s ok to lose sometimes. When you lose you get to learn.”
“I believe we can change the world if we stand up. I feel powerful when I am encouraged.”
“Food at home is nothing but the best. I lie to ask for Matzo Brei mixed with scrambled eggs and nothing less.”
“Puedes ver mi bandera, de color azul y blanco. Si me quieres econtrar buscame en el campo.”
Youthpoetry.org is a website hosted by America SCORES Bay Area that celebrates the brilliant and creative Poet-Athletes of SCORES. At youthpoetry.org you can check out our library of published poems, you can hear poems on our Radio Poets series, watch Poetry SLAM videos, enjoy our KICKER! Magazine, and much more. Enjoy! And write on.