LESSON #1 — What is Community?


✅ Be prepared with a computer, projector, or other device(s) to show the videos and prompts.

✅ Get Community Action Journals and pencils.

✅ Find space where you can play “I Love My Neighbor Who”

✅ One cone, chair, or backpack per student.

LESSON #2 — Team Strengths


✅ Get Community Action Journals and colored pencils, markers, or crayons.

✅ Get a measuring tape.

✅ Prepare materials for the Marshmallow Challenge (each group of 4 students will get 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of string, one marshmallow, a one yard long piece of tape).

✅ Be sure to take lots of photos & videos along the way to document your work and progress.

LESSON #7 — Take Action


Go to scoresu.org/action-activities to take action!

If you and your team have other ideas for how to take action, run with them!

Once you've completed your Community Action, look back through your phone to find the photos you took that document your Community Project.

If you don't have any photos, you can find images from the internet that represent your project.