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Original poetry by the SCORES Poet-Athletes

My Name
By Gabriel
Woodrow Wilson

My Name is Gabriel
Gabriel is a guardian angel
Angel from heaven that God has sent from above to watch over us
Us down here on Earth
Earth is where we are, blue and round
Round just like my eyes
Eyes that can see the beauty in people
People like my Mom and my Dad
that gave me my name Gabriel
are the most important in my life
Life is so precious that I treasure my Name

Everything right now with me
By David
Woodrow Wilson

I am dreaming for playing with a friend. Dreaming for playing soccer against a different school. I am dreaming for COVID-19 to have a cure.

I am imagining playing outside. Imagining staying at a sit down place with my family. I am imagining getting out of the house and go to school to see friends

I am dreaming that I can do anything and everything with my friends and family. Dreaming that I can go out and take a walk with my family. I am dreaming I can talk to people in person rather than on a computer. Dreaming I am at a sit down place where I can eat different things or even try new things.

I am hiding from getting corona virus. Hiding from being with other people. I am hiding from playing with my friends. I am hiding from talking to friends at my school in real life. I am hiding from other family like my grandparents and my cousins.

I am learning how to be responsible. Learning to make food. Learning to like food that I don’t like. I am learning be by myself but with only with someone upstairs. Learning how to get better on games. Learning to do new exercises with new equipment.

I am getting used to doing homework. I am getting used to doing online schooling. Getting use to watching TV or on my iPad. I am getting use to rhythm with my hands and fingers. Getting use to making food for the family and for myself.

I am getting better on math and geometry. I am getting better on language arts and spelling. Getting better at playing games. I am getting better on turning in homework on time. I am getting better on making food. Getting better on doing online schooling.

I am getting worse with exercise. Getting worse with reminding myself don’t eat the snacks. I am getting worse with reminding myself I should not be bored. I am getting worse with doing things by myself. I am getting worse with throwing things away on my own.

I don’t like being alone. I don’t like staying home all day. I don’t like not playing soccer with my friends. I don’t like online schooling. I don’t like corona virus. I don’t like being bored. I don’t like not playing in soccer matches. I don’t like geometry.

I can be a better person. I can do things on my own. I can cook my own food. I can help. I can be responsible. I can do things that other people can’t. I can still laugh and play by myself. I can be bored. I can be independent. I can be trusted. And I can continue to pray for corona virus to go away.

My Love <3
By Coach Oliver Q.
Woodrow Wilson

The moon of life,
The queen of the castle,
I want my love to know that I love you so much,
I miss you whenever I kiss you bye for now,
I miss you every time I leave home,
When I see you I can't wait to hold you,
When I'm with you I like it when we laugh,
I can't wait to travel the world with you,
Looking forward to our endless Disney trips,
Wish we were in Hawaii grubbin and chillin by the beach,
You make me better, stronger, and whole.

All We Can Do...
By Coach Oliver Q.
Woodrow Wilson

Dreaming of a day we can travel the world again
Imagining the time when we can be out with family and friends again,
I'm imagining the day we can be out with our friends again,
Imagining going out to eat,
Imagining competing with them to bring the best out of each of us.
I'm dreaming of the day we can travel the world again,
Dreaming of Disneyland with my kids,
Dreaming of the islands of Hawaii with the love of my life,
Dreaming of good times with my family...
Thinking about how things use to be,
Thinking of my parents who are in another country right now,
Thinking about my brothers who are in another city,
Imagining, dreaming, and thinking of when we can all be together again...
To imagine, dream, and think of being around the people I love so much...
To finally hug, kiss, hold, and be near them all...
All we can do it imagine, dream, and think but hope for the best.
All we need to do is make sure we take care of ourselves and the people we live with.
All we should do is wait this out and do this together even from a far...

By Oliver Quesada
Woodrow Wilson

Today my name is Dad,
I’m proud to be a father,
I have two daughters who I love,

The beginning my name was Oliver,
I liked being a kid,
All I did was eat, draw, and play,

Future me my name will be Mr. Quesada,
I’m a principle, professor, or master of something,
My first name is nothing without my last,
My family is what makes me, me!

By Coach Oliver Q.
Woodrow Wilson

Today I’m Alive,
Awake from a long days Work,
Wondering about the Future,
Forgetting how the world is Changing,
Creating new Memories,
Making use of the Time,
Telling myself that things will get Better,
Being active, healthy, and Prepared,
Pushing forward to see what’s next!

I Dream
By Skylar

I dream to play soccer.
Unicorns and dogs and cats.
I can fly

Oh mommy
By Aaliyah
Woodrow Wilson

Mommy you got so lucky by raising me
Mommy how did as powerful as super girl
Mommy you have power in you
I miss you when u go.
When you leave to go to work we all miss you.
When u need to go to a conference.
It makes me sad for you to leave
When u have to go far away it makes me feel lonely.
Even when I am still with my family I just miss you
When I see you I would like us to make a list and do it so we can spend time with each other
When you are with me it makes me special.
Your smile brightens mines
You make  everyone’s days brightens how did you get so lucky?
When you see people and family members it’s great to have you there with us
When we used to live in the apartment we used to play games with each other
When you are lucky it makes me feel lucky

By Skylar
Woodrow Wilson

My mom helps Me with my homework.
I feel happy all the time when she’s  around me.
To know I love my mom.
I feel little bit…
We  both share
I want to play

Happy Thoughts
By Skylar

I don’t like being by myself because of the scary monsters.
Monsters are hungry, they like to eat people.
I’m scared and sad.
Spiders are just as scary.
I feel sad and dark.
I don’t like being alone
I breathe to slow my heart
I will kick my fears somewhere it won’t come back!
The monsters are gone. Food is falling from the sky
Daddy tickles me.
Daddy farts loud.

Fears won’t get in my way!
By Aaliyah
Woodrow Wilson

I am afraid of shadows, the dark, spiders, being alone and snakes.
I am afraid of these things because when I see spiders and snakes I fear they might attack me. Being alone in the dark I feel like I see shadows but no ones there.
I would be scared and sad.
Sometimes my nightmares scare me and old scary houses
I feel confused, sad, mad, lonely, helpless
I feel angry, afraid , furious
I will relax, having fun with my fears, make it okay
I will kick my fears in the butt and shooing then away
I am no longer afraid. I’m laughing
My fears are now jokes I’m reading in a book .
My fears are now farts.