✅ Be prepared with a computer, projector, or other device(s) to show the videos and prompts.
✅ Get Community Action Journals and pencils.
✅ Find space where you can play “I Love My Neighbor Who”
✅ One cone, chair, or backpack per student.
✅ Get Community Action Journals and colored pencils, markers, or crayons.
✅ Get a measuring tape.
✅ Prepare materials for the Marshmallow Challenge (each group of 4 students will get 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of string, one marshmallow, a one yard long piece of tape).
✅ Be sure to take lots of photos & videos along the way to document your work and progress.
✅ Be prepared to watch the video KAMALA AND MAYA'S BIG IDEA
✅ Get Community Action Journals and colored pencils, markers, or crayons.
✅ Go to scoresu.org/action-activities to take action!
✅ If you and your team have other ideas for how to take action, run with them!
✅ Once you've completed your Community Action, look back through your phone to find the photos you took that document your Community Project.
✅ If you don't have any photos, you can find images from the internet that represent your project.
✅ Student Community Action Journals
✅ Pencils, pens, glue sticks, other art supplies
✅ Poster paper (or tri-fold board)
✅ Printed photos from season
🥅 Think about your project and talk about what you learned and what you accomplished.
🎉 Celebrate your accomplishments and have an end of the year team party!!!
Longfellow Elementary sharing their project which focused on education and advocacy to raise awareness about the importance of eating healthy. Healthy choices to live healthier lives.
Check out this Community Vision Board art by Coach Jaime. This vision of a better community features free housing, free food, free health care, a public soccer field, free education, and, of course, free video games!
SCORES Poet-Athletes from Hillcrest Elementary give us a snapshot of what it's like to live in San Francisco.
Our "Mission", Keepin' it clean. Moscone Poet-Athletes show us their project of keeping their neighborhood clean.
Garfield Elementary took a walk through San Francisco's Chinatown and learned about graffiti and street art.
SCORES Poet-Athletes from Moscone Elementary write a letter to San Francisco Unified School District advocating for new books in the school library. Many of the books they have are old or damaged, and it is time to invest in some new exciting books!
ER Taylor Elementary wants a clean community. With their teamwork and passion, anything is possible!
Check out this drawing of a SCORES poet-athlete’s soccer team. Diversity is beautiful, diversity is important, diversity makes us stronger.
Salvation Army KROC Center raising awareness on water conservation at the final game day of the season.
J Serra Poet-Athletes presenting on immigration rights and reading some beautiful poems.
Moscone Elementary helping their community by spending the afternoon with senior citizens at a local senior home. They read books together, played games, and discussed the similarities and differences between their generations.
Redding Elementary raising awareness about racism in their community.
The Hillcrest SCORES team at a SCORES Saturday game day in San Francisco where they passed out flyers about LGBTQ+ rights and raised awareness about the issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community.
The SCORES team at Cleveland Elementary demonstrating their community project where they SAY NO to bullying.
SCORES Poet-Athletes present their poems to the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education, reminding them to prioritize arts and creative writing in schools.
Paul Revere Elementary team community project addresses bullying in schools by making posters to stop bullies, and to encourage bystanders to intervene and stop bullying.
Sanchez Elementary shared about their experience playing on asphalt. They're fundraising for a turf field at their school to create a fun and safe environment.