✏️ Poetry
❤️ Community

Start a SCORES soccer, poetry, and youth activism program at your school or community center!

Dear champion for youth,

Welcome! SCORES is a combination of soccer, poetry, and youth activism. We send all the soccer equipment and literacy curriculum you’ll need to deliver a fun and impactful enrichment program.

We’ll train and support you and your staff to create a team where students play soccer, write poetry, and organize an empowering service-learning project. We collaborate with our partners throughout the year to provide on-going support, share best practices for developing programs and hosting community events.

Keep exploring below to learn more and please contact us with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

In community,
The SCORES team


What is SCORES?

SCORES is an educational enrichment program that inspires youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to shape change in their communities.

What does SCORES provide?

  • Engaging curriculum

  • Innovative staff training

  • Soccer equipment and literacy materials

  • On-going support

  • Game Day / League play consultation


Feel the Power of SCORES


SCORES Stories

Youth Activism Stories

Interested in learning more? Send us a note.