⚽ Soccer ✏️ Poetry ❤️ Community

  • SCORES U has the curriculum and resources you need to lead engaging, fun, and impactful programs for your Poet-Athletes this year!

    SCORES U makes it easy to get coach training through our interactive Mini-Trainings.

  • SCORES mission is to inspire youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to be agents of positive change in their communities.

    We use ⚽ soccer, ✏️ poetry, and ❤️ service learning as a platform to deliver high quality youth development programs.

    SCORES builds teams of Poet-Athletes who use their voice to express themselves, serve as leaders in their communities, and speak up against injustice.

  • TEAMWORK — Poet-Athletes work collaboratively with others, striving together for the benefit of the whole.

    LEADERSHIP — Poet-Athletes have opportunities to practice leadership skills.

    COMMITMENT — We show up for our teammates and our community.



These Mini-Trainings provide an overview of SCORES programs and culture. SCORES Coaches create a brave space for creativity, expression, and growth. A caring coach is a crucial ingredient when it comes to positive youth development.




If your primary employer is America SCORES Bay Area, go to the Child Safety Requirements page to complete the steps needed to work with youth.

If your primary employer is a partner organization (afterschool program or school district), please check with your SCORES point of contact regarding child safety policies and requirements.



These Mini-Trainings offer tips, inclusive coaching strategies, and ideas to help coaches and program coordinators meet the needs of girl-identified athletes.

* “Girls” refers to gender-expansive youth (cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth).



These Mini-Trainings dive deeper into positive youth development. Build on what you already know about youth development and social-emotional learning to be a supportive coach and mentor.




These Mini-Trainings explore proven strategies for building a safe and supportive team culture and for creating a positive learning environment.



Here you can find the curriculum, resources, and Mini-Trainings for the SCORES core curriculum areas: Soccer, Poetry, and Service Learning.



The Soccer Overview Mini-Training covers the basic rules and language of soccer.

On the Soccer Curriculum & Resources page you can get coaching resources including fun games and skill-building activities to help you run great practices.




The Poetry Overview Mini-Training is an introduction to SCORES poetry and the SCORES Poetry Coach Training dives into the curriculum in more detail.

On the Poetry Curriculum & Resources page you’ll find poetry workbooks for students with matching online lessons, and more great tools help you lead inspirational poetry workshops.




The SCORES Service Learning Coach Trainings explore the curriculum and provide tips to help you engage youth in community action.

On the Service Learning Curriculum & Resources page you’ll find the Service Learning Coach Guide, Community Action student workbooks, project examples, and more!